Support and Training
SimplySmart Childcare is a SIMPLE:
Safe, Interactive, Meaningful, Pleasant, Learning Environment for each child. Early childhood years shape a child's future. That is why we focus on creating a solid foundation for children to build on. Our mantra is to help children develop academically and holistically in all areas of physical, social, and emotional development.
As a woman with a demanding job, the Founder, Harleen Laroia, had a difficult time selecting a childcare when she had her two children. She wanted them to interact with other children and be stimulated to develop to their fullest potential. After her tenure at her telecom job, she decided to build facilities that gave parents that feeling of "home away from home" and comfort that their children were in clean and beautiful spaces being well taught and taken care of. She has now grown over the years and multiplied facilities while retaining the quality of care and learning that the children receive on a daily basis. She has a passion for learning education, and believes in holistic development and has ensured the inclusion of yoga, dance, and music in the program design at SimplySmart. Her
promise is:
- Superior Learning
- Superior Relationships with parents and children
- Superior aesthetics with beautiful facilities.
Become a franchisee, and help deliver the founder's vision.
Beautiful Spaces... that you will be proud of.
High Demand Market.. so you achieve financial success
ECE Experience Not Required... training is provided
Complete And Ongoing Support... enabling a superior learning environment
Achieve Satisfaction... while helping kids build a better future